Best Gaming Mouse 2019 – Pick Your Next Mouse Out Of Top 10

best gaming mouse 2019

If you have a premium gaming PC or laptop with price tag not less than $1000 it would not deliver any significant meaning to have a $15 gaming mouse which is not a guarantee for long lasting experience. So, best gaming mouse 2019 review post will help you pick the premium one out of top 10 most durable and reliable gaming mice.

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Best Gaming Mouse 2019

Swiftpoint Z
Gigabyte Aivia Uranium [Best Gaming Mouse]
Razer Diamondback Salamander
Razer RZ01
SteelSeries Rival 300
Razer DeathAdder Chroma
Logitech G5

Swiftpoint Z

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The Z model’s most prominent feature is 50+ unique clicks and gestures which allows the user to get multiple actions while almost not moving fingers. Mouse will be in total control while making dozens of actions. Another surprising feature is a force click pressure that feels how hard the user clicks buttons. Total 5 buttons assist to bring a feedback by 3 level of hard clicking. This helps where the user made hard clicks. Overall, this gaming mouse brings full control by wired connection.

Gigabyte Aivia Uranium

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Having a Ghost macro station for additional monitoring and control this wireless mouse has twin-eye gaming laser sensor, on the fly DPI switching, user interface, ten programmable buttons, dual functional wheel controller and two AA batteries slot. Note: you need to check the power of batteries before starting the game.


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G903 SPECTRUM can be both wired and wireless. Its 11 programmable buttons will work after you install the software. The RGB lighting is also programmable by delivering 16.8 million colors. Again, wired feature is the great for replacing AA batteries. The wireless feature is also great for gamers who don’t like wires.


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Barely assembled look gives Cougar 700M questionable reliability. Insted having RGB lighting, LED is a quite good choice for being out of crowd. Sensing lazer technology works by 8200 dpi. Just like any other gaming mouse, this model works by program that is downloaded and installed in the PC or laptop. It’s okay for no wireless feature. You will save time from buying batteries.

Razer Diamondback Salamander

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Wired gaming mouse from Razer includes seven programmable and optimized for game buttons, optical sensors which are always on to provide better precision and instant response, with frame rate 6400 frames per second 1600 dpi sensors provide high speed for quick action and 16 bit data path. For simplicity lovers this type of mouse is a perfect choice.


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S8 model is designed for quiet gaming to bring noiseless experience if roommates demand peaceful condition. This mouse has four color LED lighting options. Besides that, seven buttons have mute clicking ability for a user. If you are a student living in hostel with several friends, this gaming mouse is a perfect option to buy.

Razer RZ01-02120100-R3U1 Lancehead

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With an option of wired and wireless gaming, Razer RZ01 features 5G sensing, 16,000 DPI, 210 IPs, mechanical switches, 9 programmable buttons, 24 hours life battery and custom lighting. Perfect match for Razer mechanical keyboards. Moreover, its price is very attractive by showing a price tag less than $140.

SteelSeries Rival 300

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Special designed for Global Offensive Rival 300 has wired connection along with 6 programmable buttons. Resolution reaches up to 6500 CPI. For extended comfort and clicking, it includes large rubber grips. Global Offensive needs precise mouse so it brings perfect aim, accel and snapping. Lifespan is up to 30 million clicks. For GO lovers I strongly recommend this precise mouse.

Razer DeathAdder Chroma

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Precisely designed for World of Tanks players who love to click so hard as their budget mice become obsolete within one week. Fingers firmly control the mouse due to rubber sided grips. Its optical sensors have 6400dpi giving pretty fast reactions. Moreover, five programmable buttons deliver most durable quality to the mouse. Additionally, 16.8 million colors lighting is featured to decorate the online game like World of Tanks.

Logitech G5

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The legend Logitech still strives to offer the only best mouses to premium PCs and laptops. One feature I love in this mouse is tilt scroll which allows the user to scroll horizontally. What a nice feature! Other benefits from this solid looking mouse are 6.5-foot cable length, 2000 dpi resolution, weight adders and five buttons which do not require a software to run. Simple to use.

Wrapping Up

All the mice from this list are legit to use for long term gaming. I chose only premium mice to proof they are the only best among cheap mouse offering market. For over $100 you can get the gaming mouse which will deliver long lasting experience. Mouse looks cheap and small but it plays a significant role that decides who wins and loses.

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Buying guide

When purchasing any bit of innovation, there will dependably be forms that will oblige it to guarantee the best quality item is decided for your specific needs. As much as individuals don’t consider their ordinary mouse, it can assume a critical part in your gaming enterprises.

A fundamental mouse that you get with a PC, for instance, is intended to enable you to parchment and tap on things on the net. Nobody sat down at a table and considered upgrading it for gaming in this way when playing with it, you may end up off guard The mouse you are utilizing won’t be high caliber or have any additional info catches.

The standard mouse that you get may not scroll sufficiently quick to coordinate your response time to being shot at in a diversion making your score endure.

To settle this issue, we need to take a gander at the reseller’s exchange mice you can buy and the highlights that they may have to best suit your gameplay.


What sort of diversions would you say you are purchasing this mouse for? Recognize what level of gaming you need to get into to help locate the best mouse for you. In the event that you simply need to play non-aggressive amusements on your Steam account, at that point you might not have any desire to pay for the speediest innovation available.

Then again, on the off chance that you are aggressive, however the diversions are turn based you may not require that cutting-edge of a mouse also. The requirements of your mouse rely upon how and what you play as gamers. Figure “what do I require out of a mouse to get the most out of my amusement?”


The type of a mouse can fluctuate broadly starting with one brand then onto the next. Some have a position of safety while others are tall and thick. A few mice will have sharp edges while others are more adjusted.

You ought to likewise be taking a gander at the width of the mouse in contrast with your hand. You likewise need to consider how you how your mouse. There are ordinarily three distinctive ways that individuals usually hold mice, or they rehearse a type of half and half where they combine more than one. Here’s a short breakdown of each grasp write.

Palm: You have your whole hand on the mouse with your fingers laying level on it. This is the most well-known approach to grasp a mouse. It requires almost no vitality however needs accuracy.

Paw: The hook grasp utilizes just the external parts of your hand. This uses the tips of your fingers and the base of your hand simply over the wrist. It isn’t as alright with a hold as palm, yet it awards you significantly more accuracy.

Fingertip: The fingertip hold removes your hand from the condition leaving just your fingers directing the mouse. This offers the most exactness however will probably destroy you rapidly.

On the off chance that you’d get a kick out of the chance to perceive what each hold looks like view this video. Consider which one you don’t simply while you’re perusing the web yet additionally while you’re somewhere down in battle in a diversion.

Since you’ve worked out what sort of hold you favor we can begin making inquiries.


You don’t need to quantify your hands for a correct size, simply know about how enormous your hands are contrasted with normal individuals. Mull over your normal ring size, how tall you are, and in the event that you have short, tubby fingers or not.

On the off chance that despite everything you aren’t sure, consider the mouse you’re working with now, if it’s a standard office mouse, how can it feel in your grasp? Would you be able to serenely hold something greater?

It is safe to say that you are a left given mouse client? It is evaluated that 10% of the total populace is left-given. Is it accurate to say that you are? On the off chance that you are, at that point you will locate that numerous gaming mice aren’t worked for you, or a few organizations outline a left-gave variant of their mouse.

Which hand you use for your mouse will be significant due to ergonomics and catch placement.Different mouse best gaming mouse

On the off chance that a mouse doesn’t indicate it can be utilized by left-gave individuals or can be able to use both hands, at that point it’s imaginable that it won’t be agreeable for left gave individuals to utilize and regardless of whether you can think that its agreeable. It is conceivable that you won’t have the capacity to utilize the catches as they will be in the wrong places for your fingers.

What sort of hold do you utilize? At this point you ought to have an entirely smart thought of what sort of mouse hold you utilize. This is the place the profile of the mouse becomes possibly the most important factor.

Palm: Look for a prominent, an ergonomic mouse that you can easily glass in your grasp.

Paw: This grasp is great with pretty much any mouse. Be that as it may, it is critical to ensure that your fingers won’t delay the mouse cushion, so in view of that search for mice that have little lips that will shield your fingers from hauling.

Fingertip: You will need a position of safety, littler mouse for this hold style.


How much a mouse weight can affect exactness and speed when you’re in an amusement. A few mice will enable you to add and evacuate little weights to modify the mouse to your wants.

In any case, some trust that a mouse ought to be as light as could be expected under the circumstances and you should utilize DPI change in accordance with modify the exactness and speed. DPI remains for spots per inch and is utilized to gauge how far a cursor moves.

This is basic for individuals playing first individual shooters where accuracy is the contrast between a headshot and missing altogether. Numerous mice accompany the capacity to change the DPI in a generally wide range.

They additionally shield you from getting strain in your arm from the heaviness of the mouse. Be that as it may, individuals who need a more credible feel will run for a mouse with weight to it.

Do you need a genuine feel to your gaming background? If so search for a mouse that enables you to include and evacuate weight voluntarily. Remember however that this will add to exhaustion and cause distress.

Would you like to have the capacity to change the DPI for various amusements? Search for a mouse that enables you to spare profiles. They ordinarily will spare the DPI you have set and in addition give the gleam on your mouse a particular shading.

Along these lines you know precisely which profile you’re utilizing, and you can set it up, so the shading matches the logo of the amusement.


A few, however unquestionably not all gaming mice accompany more than the customary number of catches on them. Mice planned particularly to play MMOs can have upwards of 20 catches on them!

I’m a MMO player, and I’m not in any case beyond any doubt what I would do with that numerous catches. With catches you can program them to be sure keys from a console, making it so you can play a diversion one handed.Razer Naga best gaming mouse

That leaves your console hand free just to explore, strafe or… .other one gave interests.

Do you find that your hand on your console is extremely occupied? On the off chance that yes, think about what number of activities, UI capacities, and assaults you might have the capacity to exchange to your mouse. Remember that for the vast majority of these you will utilize your thumb or child finger.

In case you’re glad playing the way you generally have you can simply get a mouse that doesn’t have additional catches by any means.

What sort of hold do you utilize? The sort of grasp you utilize could affect your capacity to utilize the catches on a mouse. Palm grasp will have the most straightforward time while fingertip may think that its troublesome.

Do you have long fingers? Individuals with long fingers now and then experience difficulty utilizing the little catches in favor of mice as they’re in odd positions. Having long fingers can likewise make it hard to utilize MMO mice which have networks of catches, it’s anything but difficult to squeeze more than one by botch.


In customization, we’re contemplating lights and profiles. Numerous gaming mice will add LEDs inside to give you some customization to your mouse. Numerous will offer in excess of 16 million hues, however actually one green isn’t unfathomably unique in relation to the following.

These lights will be in a wide range of examples. Now and again it’s the logo of the organization that made the mouse. Here and there it’s rebel lightning.

A few mice will enable you to program distinctive settings including catch design, shading customization, and DPI. These would all be able to be spared as a total bundle called a profile.

Commonly you will utilize diverse profiles for various amusements, all things considered, you wouldn’t utilize a similar secure set in WoW that you would in Stardew Valley or Battlefield.

How much customization you need is altogether up to you, however similarly as with all things, the more customization, the better your experience will be.

What number of various sorts of diversions do you play? In case you’re known to jump sorts a ton, you may need a mouse that will spare your distinctive profiles.

Simply recall that it will require some investment for you to become acclimated to exchanging between them.

Is looking cool critical to you? On the off chance that it is, investigate what parts of the mice illuminate and what beating designs they offer. Know that there are some low-end mice out there that have exceptionally restricted light customization so you may just have the capacity to pick from a bunch of hues.

Additionally, there are a few mice that can’t have their lights stop without unplugging the mouse completely. Notwithstanding when the PC is killed.


Take a gander at the underside of your mouse, the part the contacts the work area. Contingent upon how old your mouse is you may see the light or if it’s an old mouse, a ball. Mice with balls aren’t made any longer as innovation has progressed to give us optical mice.

This light is the manner by which your mouse knows whether it’s moving or not. There are really two various types of optical mice available today, however to keep away from disarray one is called optical and the other, a fresher one is called laser.

Laser mice can be utilized on numerous more sorts of surfaces that optical can’t, similar to glass. Laser mice additionally offer a higher scope of DPI. Lastly, laser mice will track marginally after you lift it up where optical won’t.

A laser is by and large considered the better alternative of the two for gamers as it offers more assortment with not very many drawbacks other than the cost. Be that as it may, how would you know which one is for you?

What sort of surface will you utilize your mouse on?
Odds are you’ll be utilizing a mouse cushion or the like. Optical mice can experience issues here and there on unadulterated dark surfaces on the grounds that there isn’t any unique in relation to one minute to the following.

In case you will utilize it on glass, you should go for the laser alternative as optical won’t enlist the glass being there by any means.

Do you need higher DPI?

In case you’re searching for a wide range with regards to DPI customization, at that point a laser mouse is the best choice for you. Be that as it may, there are some who guarantee that laser mice don’t execute too at bring down DPI. In this way, on the off chance that you know, you will utilize low DPI a great deal you may think about running with optical.

Is taken a toll an essential factor?

Laser mice are new and still viewed as top of the line. Therefore, in case you’re hoping to get a laser mouse you should pay more. For a few, this could be a major issue.

Over the long haul however they will get less expensive and lower end brands will begin utilizing them too. Yet, until at that point, be set up to pay. Then again, you can get a shabby, nitty gritty optical mouse for not as much as what it would cost you for a junk food lunch.


It might appear like an odd thing, yet the link that appends your mouse to your PC can limitlessly change your involvement with your mouse. To start with, it ought to be said that remote mice are viewed as unfortunate for gaming on the grounds that there is an extremely slight slack between your movement and when the development happens.

It tends generally to be jerk gamers who remark on this, however, so in case you’re more easygoing, you can joyfully utilize a remote mouse in the event that you need.

We should accept however that you do need a mouse with a link. There are many things to consider about this little part. Mouse link best gaming mouse

How far from your PC will your mouse sit?

A few mice accompany an unbelievably long 6 feet of link which for the vast majority is much more than they require. In any case, if for reasons unknown your PC isn’t right alongside your screen the length will be critical.

In the event that you have an additional link, you can simply move it up and store it, so it’s off the beaten path of your feet. Or on the other hand do as I do and pull your mouse off the work area when you get up in light of the fact that your feet get captured.

Interlaced versus Normal Cables: Braided links offer an additional layer of assurance to the mouse’s link while likewise adding to the visual interest of the mouse. Be that as it may, it can make more delay the mouse and make for an awkward and irritating gaming background.

Which one is best for you? Does your mouse string take a great deal of manhandle? On the off chance that it does, take a gander at twisted. In the event that it doesn’t, and you couldn’t care less about what it would seem that, run with a general one.


The product is the thing that enables a mouse to be tweaked. This is the place you’ll set the shade of the lights, your DPI, and what the catches do. Be that as it may, not all product is made equivalent.

For example, Razer mice are viewed as the highest point of the line for gaming, yet their product is pretty all around loathed.

Lower end mice will have programming that is just accessible on the plate the mouse accompanies, and at times, they won’t make an interpretation of it to English.

By and large, the product keeps a mouse from being utilized on Macs. Unfortunately programming appears to regularly be an overlooked piece of the mouse creation process and will change contingent upon mark. Subsequently, you don’t get numerous decisions with it.

Simply make certain when you’re getting a mouse that you take a gander at the audits of the product for it.

Since you know the things to pay special mind to when you’re purchasing a mouse here are a not many that I’ve picked from three diverse value ranges.


As dependably have a foreordained value point to go off of. There is a mouse out there for each financial plan regardless of whether you don’t have heaps of cash to contribute as of now. At times the least expensive bits of innovation can be the best one’s you will ever possess.

In the event that you can investigate bargain chasing when shopping on the web utilize devices to analyze costs through various destinations and record specs to look at of the considerable number of mice you like. In the event that shopping in a store takes notes of offers going on that may profit your wallet by utilizing advertisements and the store’s site before going out.

Comfort and Responsiveness

Solace is likewise a noteworthy player. You don’t need a mouse that just feels like a major hunk of plastic in your grasp. You need something that feels smooth and has simple to grasp material that won’t influence you to get sweat-soaked palms immediately.

The wheel should be made of agreeable elastic, so you won’t get sore spots on your fingers from turning it quick too. You have to ensure that the mouse you’re purchasing is appraised exceptionally for it’s playability time, and in addition its exactness in diversion.

There are many materials that mice are made out of these days. Pick one that works best with your skin, and in the event that you can ensure it’s breathable, so you won’t get sweat-soaked palms amidst a match.


This will likewise play into whether you will need a remote or wired mouse. While some remote mice are known to be inconceivably quick at exchanging snap to your PC, the shot of postponement is there, between gaming mouse and none gaming mouse.

Then again, wires, as solid as they seem to be, have been known to act as a burden amid serious matches and might be more inclined to harm, particularly in a house with creatures or youngsters. Continuously take a gander at the speed that the mouse will exchange at contrasted with the remote rendition.

Likewise while going the remote course think about the battery life, while USB mice are ready, remote ones should be charged or have battery changes. Would you like to manage discovering power for your mouse, and if so how regularly is sensible for you?

After Thoughts

Style is something that should come last in case you’re hoping to play professionally. In case you’re simply searching for easygoing play, in any case, it’s certainly a remark about.

Do you need your mouse to have LED’s in it, if so what shading? Would you like to purchase a skin to enhance the look of your mouse, if so what composes do they effectively make skins for? What shading mouse would you say you are searching for all in all? Is there a specific shape or skin you are searching for?

A few things that may influence your mouse utilization significantly are what you utilize it on and how clean the zone you utilize it on is. A mouse is made to easily coast over a surface, however in the event that the surface it’s floating over isn’t exceptionally smooth, at that point you will get some truly bizarre footing obstruction.

A standout amongst the most essential things you can do to enhance your mouse’s development is to have a decent mousepad. On the off chance that you get a firm mouse cushion that gives the mouse a chance to move openly, yet shields you from sliding it superfluously at that point, it will improve things greatly with your gameplay.

In a similar respect dependably make a point to clean your mouse station a few times each week to keep tidy, nourishment bits, and all the little arbitrary things out of your mouse’s way. Likewise dependably play on a steady surface or work area, if the surface you play on wobbles, at that point expect your on-screen character to wobble also.

Things to keep an eye out for when searching for a decent mouse are:

• Non-perfect programming Make beyond any doubt the mouse will be good with your OS

• Sticky wheels-See if the mouse has any objections of the wheel being adhered or difficult to move when being used.

• Low Traction-Check to check whether the mouse moves well and doesn’t have obstruction while sliding it.

• Signal Strength-If the mouse is remote, verify whether there are grumblings identified with flag misfortune to the PC.

• Accuracy-How precise is the mouse with your information.

• General breakdowns Does the mouse have great surveys and how quick did it break?

These tips joined with your general needs and needs should pull you towards the sort of mice you have to take a gander at.


Try not to hurry into getting one too and take as much time as necessary and shop around, you might be astonished what gives you can discover. Continuously check surveys also, so you know precisely what you are getting when you make your last buy.

I trust our guide on the most proficient method to pick the ideal gaming mouse has helped you see the diverse essential highlights you have to search for in a gaming mouse. Bear in mind to leave us a remark in the segment underneath.